May Post #1

Last Friday, on May 25th, I successfully presented my project to my classmates and grandparents. As I reflect on my signature experience, there are a couple things that come to mind. One, if I could go back to the beginning of the year, I would ask myself to begin on the project early. As an incoming senior, I had the busiest schedules with other prescheduled commitments. Thus, I wish that I had begun earlier on the research and started a highly detailed outline of what I would do each week and what I would have liked to accomplish. Two, I was surprised to realize that by the end of the project, I had done a lot more than what I had expected and accomplished most of my goals. On the day of the presentation, I was surprised to find that I was comfortable with all the information I thought I wasn’t knowledgeable enough about. Especially during the Q&A session, I felt confident answering each question with accurate information. Third, the biggest success in this entire project, I believe is that I was able to schedule a Title IX coordinator to come and speak to the senior class on the retreat. One of the main aspirations of my project was to inform my community, but especially those going into the college experience soon to be fully prepared and knowledgeable about how to deal with sexual assault on college campuses. I truly thank everyone who has been a part of my project and for supporting me.


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